Working on Linux Directory - Basic Commands

Working on Directories in Linux:

In this articles we gonna see some useful commands while working on files and directory in a Linux system.


The directory is the place where files and subdirectories are created. While coming in GUI we call a directory as a folder. A directory can hold more sub-directories or sub-folders inside it.

In Linux the  is known as the root directory where everything on your Linux system is located under this directory.

Creating directory:

To create a directory use  mkdir  command,

The above commands creates two directories as Dir1 and Dir2,

Creating Consecutive  directory:

To create consecutive directory use  -p  command with mkdir, this allows you to create sub-directory inside a directory.

The above command creates all subdirectories in a single command.

Toggling between Directories:

Use  cd  command to change from active directories, Let us assume you are creating the above directories in /home directory. Now you want to enter into Dir1. The command to change your current working directory is,

To move to the previous directory use  cd - 

To move one directory back use  ..    with cd

To move two directory back use  ../..   with cd

cd  command will get you back to the root directory.

Knowing the current working directory:

To print the current working directory use  pwd 

Deleting a Directory:

The command use to delete a directory is  rm -rf , This command will delete all the subdirectories inside the directory. Beware of using  rm -rf  command since it will never ask for a confirmation.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.


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